A Technical Design for a Sustainable City in Arequipa, Peru

1Aromatic plantsIt offers various medicinal and environmental benefits. In addition, its diverse and attractive aromas attract biodiversity and ensure pollination.155922Pine and fern forestIt provides habitats for wildlife species, and these plant species are important for soil health, improving water quality, and contributing to the filtration of pollutants.62685.783Western montane forestIt provides a wide range of ecosystem services, including regulating the water cycle, sequestering carbon, and providing habitats.118362.624Greenhouse: cloud forest (Yungas)—cloudy montaneThe cloud forests of the Yungas are key in hydrological and climatic regulation, acting as natural sponges by capturing and slowly releasing water, which maintains a constant river flow and regulates stream levels in the watersheds. Additionally, these forests absorb carbon dioxide, helping to mitigate climate change, and moderate temperatures and humidity, influencing precipitation patterns and supporting regional biodiversity.214385Coastal desert and hillsIt represents important biological diversity; it is a key habitat for fauna, and vegetation is important for aquifer recharge. Species have a great capacity to adapt to conditions of water scarcity.524710.646Dry forest (coastal desert)This area will have adapted biodiversity and unique species, and will play an important role in the study of coastal protection by reducing erosion as well as the impact of storms. The protection of this habitat is essential for many endemic species.278761.567Greenhouse: tropical rainforestThese species regulate the hydrological cycle and climate by releasing water vapor through evapotranspiration, which supports rainfall. Their roots filter and conserve water, maintaining river and aquifer levels, while protecting the soil from erosion. Plants also regulate local temperatures, capture CO2, and influence rainfall patterns, helping maintain ecological and climatic balance.74388Rock garden hedge (succulents)Cacti are research subjects due to their unique characteristics of adaptation and resistance to extreme conditions. They also play an important role in conserving water and preventing erosion.509899Fruit treesIt promotes biodiversity and the presence of pollinators. Similarly, fruit species provide habitats for diverse species and can serve as nutritious food sources in the face of future food insecurities.303558.8210North and South PunaThis is one of the most important ecosystems in Peru, where plant species act as hydrological regulators, mitigate soil erosion, and are responsible for climate regulation.810,570.3511Wetland and pondIt acts as a natural filter for better water quality, controls flooding during heavy rainy seasons, and maintains various ecosystem services.62290–256.712TillandsialesThey are of great ecological and conservation importance as bioindicators of the ecosystems in which they are found. They can provide information about air quality, humidity, and biodiversity, and have the unique ability to absorb air pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs).83758.5013Medicinal plantsThis area will have species that contain compounds beneficial to health, serving as a basis for research in the development of new medicines.202470.3414Geodesy (central greenhouse): orchids and bromeliadsIt plays an important role in biodiversity conservation, as this group includes many endangered species. Therefore, these are of great genetic and environmental importance, and their protection and conservation are vital.3482909.5715Research centerIt promotes collaboration between researchers and academic, governmental, and private sector institutions, contributing to the training of UCSM students for future research.–5660.1316Palm tree areaIt is intended to represent a tropical and exotic environment, given the variety of palm trees to be placed. Likewise, their presence helps to facilitate scientific research and promote their conservation.8188617Flower hedgeIt allows the presence of biodiversity, significantly favoring the pollination and growth of other floristic species, as well as providing a visually attractive and esthetic environment.41188518MuseumIt facilitates the study, research, and dissemination of botany both inside and outside the Botanical Garden, with an exhibition hall for botanist speakers and other researchers.–5660.1319Restoration centerIt facilitates the preservation, research, and dissemination of scientific studies, enhancing the knowledge of the population and future generations.–9570.8420Seed bankIt benefits the conservation and genetic diversity of various floristic species, can host seeds of endangered or unknown species, and contributes significantly to scientific research.–420.7321Living fenceAll these species are native and their importance lies in the conservation and appreciation of their biological diversity. In addition, the perimeter will serve as protection for the Botanical Garden.7–22Herbarium: propagation and nurseriesThis zero supplies plants to the Botanical Garden, and facilitates species accounting and proper adaptation management.23mazes and recreational areasA recreational area for children and companions, promoting a fun connection with nature.–50024entrance and parkingAllows public access to the Botanical Garden.–170925Live classroomThis space will go a long way toward creating a connection between nature and the environment, offering practical and theoretical experiences to visitors.–510.5126Composting areaIt decomposes the organic matter of all sections of the Botanical Garden, recycling it into compost, resulting in a nutrient-rich material that enriches the garden’s soil and improves its fertility, ensuring sustainability through the reuse of waste.–894.7227Organic gardenIt is important for disseminating information about how the agricultural species we consume on a daily basis are grown and demonstrating how sustainable practices can lead to environmentally friendly agriculture.143412.4028MeadowThis area can host a great biodiversity of flora and is important for erosion control.5978TOTAL685200,000

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María Elizabeth Bejarano Meza www.mdpi.com