2. Methods
2.1. Study Design and Patients
2.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Intra- and postoperative exclusion criteria were as following: intraoperative conversion to open surgery due to adherences or major complications (bleeding > 2000 mL, anesthesiologic complications requiring reintubation after surgery or surveillance in the intensive care unit), the occurrence of early postoperative complications needing hospital monitoring or redo-operation, difficult pain management (Numerical Rating Scale > 7), the occurrence of a postoperative complication preventing a safe discharge (i.e., persistent air leaks with incomplete lung re-expansion), a peripheral oxygen saturation <92% requiring O2 supplementation, altered vital or laboratory parameters (i.e., a systolic blood pressure <95 or >160 mmHg, body temperature >37 °C, heart rate >100 bpm).
2.3. Protocol
The telehealth home monitoring protocol and the function of the device were explained during surgical and anesthesiologic outpatient visits systematically performed before hospital admission, thus offering pre-operative counselling to reduce fear and anxiety regarding their role in the study. All enrolled patients started respiratory physiotherapy at least one week before surgery thanks to multimedia information containing explanations for procedures downloaded by a QR code. All surgical procedures were carried out under general anesthesia with a Da Vinci Xi system (Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). A lung-protective ventilation technique was adopted (tidal volume 4–6 mL/kg of predicted body weight, positive end-expiratory pressure–PEEP between 5 and 8 cm H2O, fraction of inspired oxygen between 0·5 and 0·8). An anesthesiologic multimodal protocol was adopted for all patients. This consisted in the execution of a preoperative erector spinae plane (ESP) block (levobuvicaine 0·25% 20 mL), administration of dexamethasone 4–8 mg, sulphate magnesium 1 gr before surgical incision and ketorolac 30 mg and paracetamol 1 g 30 min before awakening. In the postoperative period, pain was controlled by continuing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen 600 mg twice daily) and paracetamol (1000 mg three times daily). At the end of surgery, pleural drainage was ensured by placing a single 28 Fr chest tube. A Heimlich valve was systematically placed on the afternoon of POD 1. The chest tube was removed before discharge when the daily pleural effusion was less than 200 cc and no air leakage was observed.
In case of air leakage, the chest tube was left in place and the discharge was only allowed in case of adequate lung re-expansion (if the lung reaches the thoracic wall) on chest X-ray.
2.4. Telehealth Home Monitoring
Before inclusion in the study, all patients and their caregivers were informed on the need for the use of the device during the study period (from discharge to removal of chest drain). The device was delivered to patients the day before surgery and each patient was trained in the presence of their caregiver during hospitalization to avoid emotional stress affecting their understanding of how to correctly use the device. All clinical data recorded during the preoperative training period and the first POD was excluded from the formal analysis of this study.
Teleconsultations were scheduled as follows: first, one in the afternoon of POD2 once the patient reached his home after discharge, twice on POD3 (one in the morning and one in the afternoon), and then once a day until chest tube removal in an outpatient visit. The criterion for chest tube removal was the presence of a daily output lower than 200 cc in absence of air leakage.
After discharge, patients self-recorded their vital signs (blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, and peripheral oxygen saturation) at least four times a day using the device. These readings were instantly accessible for review by two surgeons (research physicians) through a dedicated smartphone application. The patient was also allowed to visualize the reordered parameters.
In the event of any anomalies in the recorded vital signs (threshold violations), an alert was sent directly to the research physicians via mobile phone, including both text messages and emails.
Threshold violations were classified as moderate (yellow) and critical (red). Yellow threshold violations included the following: systolic blood pressure > 140 or <100 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure > 95 or <60 mmHg; oxygen saturation < 94%; heart rate > 100 bpm; and temperature > 37.5 °C. Red threshold violations were defined as follows: systolic blood pressure > 160 or <80 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure > 110 or <40 mmHg; oxygen saturation < 89%; heart rate > 140 bpm; and temperature > 38 °C.
In the event of red threshold violations, research physicians were alerted, prompting immediate contact with patients by telephone to obtain further information about parameter deviations and their clinical status. This procedure was also implemented in cases of missing data to provide technical assistance to the patients whenever needed.
Additionally, a direct telephone line was available to patients 24 h a day, along with a dedicated re-hospitalization pathway in the event of sudden changes in vital signs or the occurrence of adverse events. Lastly, all patients were monitored according to the standard of care following the removal of the chest drain. For all enrolled patients, a 30-day follow up was performed.
2.5. Outcome Measures
Primary outcomes were: (a) feasibility (rate of successful enrolment and completion of the protocol), and (b) safety (assessed through the occurrence of post-discharge complications and the number of hospital readmissions).
Secondary outcomes were: (a) comparison of results with matched controls in which the standard of care was maintained, and (b) economic evaluation (in terms of hospitalization days and costs saved).
2.6. Statistical Analysis
All data were collected and stored in a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet. Descriptive statistics were employed to present baseline and surgical characteristics of patients. Continuous variables are reported as mean and standard deviation, while discrete variables are reported as counts and percentages. A matched control group for safety evaluation of this protocol was obtained from a clinical cohort of patients who underwent robotic lobectomy for stage I–II NSCLC in our Department between 2019 and 2023. Each case was matched with a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 3 controls (35 cases were matched with 35 controls each, 6 cases with 2 controls each, and 1 case with 3 controls) based on the number of available patients with similar characteristics found in the database. The matching was conducted according to the following criteria: age (range of 10 years from case reference, +/− 5 years), gender, predicted post-operative FEV1 (3 groups: <70%; 70–90%; >90%), and type of lobectomy performed. Data was collected and analyzed using Microsoft Excel software (version number 16.0) and Stata version 17 (StataCorp. 2021. Stata Statistical Software: Release 17. College Station, TX, USA: StataCorp LLC), respectively. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
4. Discussion
In the current study, we have validated the preliminary findings from our pilot study, demonstrating that the incorporation of telehealth home monitoring within a fast-track protocol enables a safe discharge by postoperative day 2 following robotic lobectomy for early-stage NSCLC in selected patients.
To the best of our understanding, this study is the first to explore the effectiveness of telemedicine in postoperative surveillance following major thoracic surgery, aiming to reduce the postoperative length of stay.
Conversely, our study demonstrates that integrating telehealth home monitoring with an ERAS program significantly reduces the postoperative length of stay, decreasing from the commonly reported 4 days in centers with a high level of specialization in robotic surgery to just 2 days in our experience.
Notably, when we designed our study, we identified postoperative day 2 as the safety cutoff for discharge after major thoracic surgery. It represents the postoperative day in which we have detected the greatest number of major complications in our historical series. The occurrence of the most common medical factors preventing an early discharge (atrial fibrillation, bleeding, oxygen dependency, and uncontrolled pain) were all considered exclusion criteria. Their occurrence between the first and the second postoperative days confirmed our original hypothesis; thus, six patients were excluded from the early discharge protocol, while the remaining enrolled patients did not experience any similar complication during the postoperative period.
Only one surgical complication needed rehospitalization requiring chest drain placement. However, in this case, the complication occurred late in the postoperative period (POD 13) and it could have appeared in any patient independently of early discharge. Similarly, another patient presented to the emergency room on POD 30 due to pain which was managed with oral at home drug therapy. This data confirmed both the safety and feasibility of our protocol, considering that no other adverse events occurred during the telemonitoring period.
In the same manner, we have not identified differences in terms of number of 30-day reinterventions and 30-day re-admissions when we compared our series with matched controls in which the standard of care was maintained. Furthermore, in this latter group, the median post-operative days were similar compared to the ones commonly reported in the literature (4 days), confirming that our protocol represents a safety tool to optimize medical resources thanks to the hospitalization days saved. Furthermore, this benefit could be assessed not only as direct (through the reduction in hospitalization days) but also as indirect, due to the optimization of bed availability for additional surgical procedures.
Based our experience, the combination of robotic surgery and telemedicine with the automatic transmission of vital parameters represents a crucial ‘mixed technology’ that will be essential for enhancing and optimizing this pathway.
The systematic applicability of this approach could offer several advantages for the healthcare system as a whole.
This protocol reduces the waste of physical resources and promotes more efficient utilization of beds, meals, and medications, while also decreasing the risk of nosocomial infections by shortening the average length of hospital stay, resulting in substantial economic savings.
However, to enhance the effectiveness and adoption of perioperative telemonitoring within the field of thoracic surgery, some present difficulties need to be overcome.
During the study period, only 3% of eligible patients refused to be enrolled due to limited availability of internet resources, insufficient digital skills, or perceived high mental burden. This amount of refusal is probably “physiological” considering that the main beneficiaries in oncological setting include those of older population and lower socioeconomic status. On the other hand, there was a 15% of failed enrolment due to surgeon’s choice, confirming a resistance and skepticism in leaving the standard of care for “innovative” technological management. Skepticism was shown by experienced surgeons in all cases and was based on their judgement and on their own clinical experience rather than objective parameters and inclusion protocol criteria.
This data highlights the need for further exploration of the current evidence regarding the effectiveness of perioperative telemonitoring interventions in thoracic surgery, as well as guidance on how to effectively implement these practices in healthcare settings. Further feasibility and usability studies as well as clinical trials will represent the prerequisites to ensure the overcome of surgical reticence and the adoption by end-users.
On the other hand, we have encountered a high availability of caregivers in supporting digital care (only in 1.7% of cases the absence of a caregiver was the reason for non-eligibility) and a high rate of adoption for both teleconsultation and the home monitoring system among the patients enrolled in the study. All planned teleconsultations were successfully completed, and patients transmitted their vital signs more frequently than required through the device, indicating that they felt central to the digital care program. This also emphasizes the importance of having a caregiver to ensure adherence throughout the process of care.
We believe that a preventive and detailed explanation of the protocol is a crucial part of a successful enrolment allowing to overcome all classic non-medical factors preventing an early discharge and the corresponding benefits.
Among these, the most frequently reported are cultural (including patient and family apprehension and insufficient organization of post-hospital care), economic (a lack of incentives for hospitals to reduce length of stay), and geographic (issues such as distance from care facilities, remote living situations, and limited availability of suitable structures for convalescence).
Finally, the widespread implementation of telemedicine requires an initial investment of time and resources to develop educational strategies (staring with academic educational centers), for implementation in non-academic medical centers (general practitioners and territorial medicine), and for the adoption of telehealth home monitoring both in oncological centers and within the surgical community. The results of these efforts should be translated in the optimization of general healthcare systems in a few years.
This study has some limitations. These include the sample size, a selection bias arising from the stringent selection of patients (requiring the availability of caregivers and computer literacy in elderly patients), and the fact that it represents the first study of its kind, with no prior research available on this specific topic.
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Giuseppe Mangiameli www.mdpi.com