Eco-Clean That Bathroom

I don’t know about you, but I’d clean a bathroom over a kitchen any day. I suspect I am unique in this preference, however, because for most people, cleaning a bathroom is a disgusting time suck, a necessary but putrid chore, and something to hold your breath and just get done.

Over the years, I’ve assembled four simple steps to make cleaning my bathroom an eco-clean breeze. I’ll share them with you now in the hopes that they will help you cross this chore off your to-do list without subjecting yourself—or the planet —to harmful chemicals. No muss, no fuss!

Here are my four steps to an eco-clean bathroom!

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1. First, tackle your glass shower doors

If hard water and soap residue have left your doors cloudy, heat 1 to 2 cups of vinegar on the stovetop or in the microwave, and carefully pour it into a spray bottle with a fine mist setting. Lightly spray the vinegar on the shower doors and leave for 10 to 15 minutes. Wipe off with a damp cloth or non-abrasive scrubber to reveal streak-free, gleaming glass.

2. Next up, the toilet

This is the source of our bathroom-cleaning disgust, correct? Sorry, but I’m about to tell you to get elbows deep in that thing.

Toilet brushes are just giant plastic incubators for germs and bacteria, and they also keep you an arm’s distance away, so you never really see all the grime you’re missing. I prefer rubber gloves to protect my hands, a compostable cloth sponge or sponge that can be easily washed and disinfected, and a small squirt of dish soap or Castile soap. Ditching the brush allows you to get under the rim of the toilet and into all those nooks and crannies that can harbor filth, without the risk of brush backsplash. Gently going over any toilet rings with a pumice stone will remove any buildup without damaging the enamel of your toilet bowl.

3. Brighten that dingy bathtub

Combine 1 to 2 tablespoons of baking soda and a squirt of Castile soap or dish soap. Use a cloth or non-abrasive pad to scrub your tub from top to bottom until it gleams, rinsing with warm water. This simple method employs zero harmful chemicals and gives you a great arm workout. And when it’s time for your next bath, you won’t have to worry about a dirty tub.

4. Mirrors, faucets, and countertops, oh my!

Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water. This mixture is enough to tackle mirrors, faucets, and countertops, cleaning them spotless and making them shine.

Congratulations, you have finished! Three ingredients, 15 minutes. It wasn’t that bad, was it? Now, does anyone want to return the favor and decontaminate my fridge?

Want more eco-friendly cleaning advice? Read Clean Your Whole House with Vinegar, Baking Soda, and Lemon.

Editor’s Note: Originally published on October 8, 2014, this article was updated in February 2025.

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Madeleine Somerville