Fault Risk Assessment of Transmission Lines Under Extreme Weather Conditions Based on Genetic Algorithm Back-Propagation Neural Network

2.1. Research Methods

In this research, a GA-BP neural network model is proposed to construct a correlation model between extreme weather characteristics and circuit faults. In combination with the current research on extreme weather events, feature indices are selected, circuit fault data under different voltages are collected in the southern grid region, and extreme weather characteristics covering a large area of China Southern Power Grid and transmission line fault conditions are input to predict circuit fault data in different regions [17,18]. The global weight importance evaluation method of the neural network is used to output the influence weights of different extreme weather indicators on circuit faults [19,20,21]. Using a GIS spatial analysis method, the extreme weather index layer attribute value is superimposed according to the weight, and the circuit fault risk level index is obtained. The spatial and temporal boundary of extreme weather risk is divided into five risk regions: low, lower, medium, higher, and high. Risk levels are classified using standard deviation thresholds: low (μ < 0.1), lower (0.1 ≤ μ < 0.35), medium (0.35 ≤ μ < 0.65), higher (0.65 ≤ μ < 0.9), and high (μ ≥ 0.9). (μ represents the normalized risk index).

This study collected circuit fault data for 2021, 2022 and 2023, and the average number of faults at different voltages (10 kv, 35 kv, 110 kv, 220 kv and 550 kv) per year was roughly 120,000, 8000, 3000, 900 and 350.

The schematic diagram of the entire process of risk assessment of extreme weather effects on power grid faults based on the GA-BP network model is outlined in Figure 1 below.

In terms of obtaining and processing fault data, we first obtained the location information, the number of faults and the corresponding fault voltage of each fault area in the research area, also recording the time and type of faults. The processed extreme weather indicator data and power fault data were spatially correlated and matched.

2.1.1. Establishment of Extreme Weather Risk Assessment Model

Based on the risk theory of extreme weather disasters, a flood disaster is a complex system composed of disaster-causing factors, a disaster-bearing environment, disaster-bearing bodies and flood control and disaster reduction capabilities [22,23]. This paper conducts an extreme weather risk assessment for the Southern Power Grid region, carrying out a comprehensive assessment of extreme weather disaster risks and examining the risk of extreme rainfall and extreme temperature as disaster-causing factors.
The disaster risk assessment model can be expressed by the following calculation formula:

F = W H 1 X H 1 + W H 2 X H 2 + + W H i X H i

In the formula, F is the extreme weather disaster risk index, which is used to represent the risk degree. The greater the value, the greater the disaster risk degree is. WHi represents the weight value of the disaster risk index in the extreme meteorological disaster risk assessment model. XHi is the standardized value of each evaluation index.

The extreme weather disaster risk index method is mainly based on the differences in the raster data of the transmission line risk evaluation results of extreme disasters in different research periods. The raster computer in the geographic information software Arcmap is used to calculate the raster data of risk evaluation in different research periods and obtain the risk index change distribution map.

2.1.2. Selection of Extreme Weather Characteristic Indicators

Extreme weather events exist in sharp contrast to average weather events. Beniston and his team identified three criteria that define extreme weather events: low frequency of events; serious social and economic losses; and a relatively small or large strength value. In the third and fourth assessment reports of the IPCC, extreme climate events are clearly defined from the dimensions of the probability distribution, that is, for a specific place and time, extreme climate events are events with a very low probability of occurrence, and their occurrence probability usually only accounts for 10% or less of similar climate events. This definition is concise and precise, and fully takes into account the differences in climate in different regions.

Different scholars have adopted different thresholds to define extreme climate events according to the characteristics of specific research areas they focus on. For example, Zhai Panmao et al. [12,13] analyzed the change characteristics of extreme precipitation in China in 1999 through the maximum 1-day precipitation, maximum 3-day precipitation, precipitation events with daily precipitation greater than or equal to 50 mm, and precipitation events with daily precipitation greater than or equal to 100 mm. Yu Fangyuan [14] evaluated the changes in extreme climate precipitation in northeast China in 2011 by using extreme precipitation (the precipitation at the sub-points where the daily precipitation exceeded 90%), precipitation intensity, maximum 5-day precipitation, and the longest consecutive dry days. In 2010, Wang Fang and Tian Hong used extreme rainfall (daily rainfall greater than 95% of the points of rainfall), extreme precipitation frequency, and extreme precipitation intensity to judge the change in extreme precipitation in the Huaihe River Basin. In terms of assessing extreme temperature events, Mutiibwa et al. used warm-day days (days with daily maximum temperatures greater than the 90% threshold) and cold-night days (days with daily minimum temperatures below the 10% threshold) to assess changes in extreme temperatures in the continental United States in 2015. Zhai Panmao and Pan Xiaohua used the number of high-temperature days (maximum temperature greater than 35 °C), the number of frost days (minimum temperature lower than 0 °C) and the number of low-temperature days to evaluate the changes in extreme temperature events in northern China in 2003. In 2005, Tang Yuhong used the maximum temperature, minimum temperature and daily temperature range to evaluate the characteristics of extreme temperature changes in China [24].
To date, some scientific institutions have built an index system for evaluating extreme weather events. For example, the European Meteorological Office (ECA) has developed a set of indices for describing extreme weather events. The Panel of Experts on Climate Change Detection and Extreme Climate Event Indicators (ETCCDI) of the International Intergovernmental Conference on Climate Change (IPCC) has determined a set of extreme indices including temperature indices and precipitation indices, among which the extreme climate index defined by ETCCDI is very representative [25]. These widely recognized indices have brought great convenience to the study of extreme climate change and have been widely used by many researchers in China and elsewhere [16].

Combined with the above studies on extreme weather indicators by many researchers, this study uses the principal component analysis method to screen out the following extreme weather characteristic indicators as inputs to the neural network model: maximum continuous dry days (CDD), maximum continuous wet days (CWD), total annual precipitation, average annual precipitation intensity (SDII), heavy precipitation days (R25 mm and R50 mm), heavy precipitation rate (R95p), high-temperature days (HTD), and frost days (FD). The characteristics of extreme weather are defined below:

Maximum consecutive dry days (CDD): The maximum number of consecutive days without precipitation in a year.

Maximum consecutive wet days (CWD): The maximum number of consecutive days with precipitation in a year.

Total annual precipitation: The total amount of precipitation in a year.

Average annual precipitation intensity (SDII): The ratio of total annual precipitation to wet days (days with daily precipitation greater than 1 mm).

Heavy precipitation days (R25 mm and R50 mm): Days when the daily precipitation is greater than or equal to 25 mm and 50 mm.

Heavy precipitation rate (R95p): The ratio of annual cumulative precipitation to total annual precipitation when the daily precipitation is greater than 95% of the quantile value.

High-temperature days (HTD): The number of days in the year with a maximum daily temperature of 35 degrees Celsius or higher.

Frost days (FD): The number of days in the year with a minimum daily temperature of 0 °C or less.

2.2. Establishment of Power Grid Fault Risk Grade Evaluation Model Based on GA-BP Neural Network

The role of the GA-BP network model is to give the influence weights of different extreme weather characteristic index on circuit faults. Figure 2 shows the GA-BP neural network model. The GA-BP framework was selected for its ability to optimize hyperparameters globally (via genetic algorithms) and refine weights locally (via backpropagation), which is particularly effective in handling nonlinear relationships between high-dimensional meteorological features and fault risks [26].

According to the current research methods for investigating extreme weather events, this research obtained the observation data of extreme weather and the methods of calculating and studying extreme weather of conventional meteorological observation stations. Data and statistics for national meteorological observation stations and meteorological bureaus in the target research area were obtained for the years studied. These data include hourly rainfall, hourly average temperature, hourly maximum temperature, hourly minimum temperature, hourly maximum wind speed, instantaneous wind speed, and average wind speed. The geographical boundary range shp data of the study area were obtained. Meteorological observation stations in the study area provided numerical observation results according to extreme weather research indicators. At the same time, the China Southern Power Grid Company provided the location information, the number of faults and the corresponding fault voltage of each fault area in the study area.

The converted extreme weather indicator data and circuit failure data were spatially correlated and matched, and ArcMap geographic information processing software was used for processing to ensure that the fault data in each study area were matched with the corresponding meteorological data.

The structure of the neural network model for correlation analysis between extreme weather and circuit faults based on the GA-BP algorithm is defined as follows:

To realize construction of the sample set, pre-classification is performed based on the extreme weather index data and circuit fault data. The sample set is divided into training set, verification set and test set to ensure the generalization ability and stability of the model. The definition of extreme weather is mainly based on the pre-classification of indicator data and the data of the fault area, including the number of faults.

The input layer contains nine nodes corresponding to the nine extreme weather indicators: CDD, CWD, total annual precipitation, SDII, R25 mm, R50 mm, R95p, HTD, and FD.

The output layer contains 1 node which is the count of circuit faults divided by different voltages.

The genetic algorithm is responsible for macroscopic search of optimal hyperparameters. The gradient descent of the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) is responsible for micro-adjusting the network weight.

Genetic algorithms are used to optimize neural network parameters (number of hidden layer nodes, regularization parameters, and learning rate) by simulating natural selection (selection, crossover, variation, etc.) to find the best combination of parameters in the search space to minimize the objective function (MSE). The multi-layer perceptron (MLP) uses gradient descent to optimize the weight of the neural network.

The steps for optimizing the initial weight based on the GA-BP algorithm generally include the following: chromosome coding, population initialization, adjustment, fitness function, selection, crossover, variation, and iteration, etc.

The parameters of the neural network model are set as follows: the genetic algorithm sets 1 hidden layer; the number of nodes in the hidden layer has the range [5, 100]; the regularization parameter alpha has the range [0.0001, 0.1]; the initial learning rate has the range [0.0001, 0.1]; and the number of iterations of the genetic algorithm is set to 1000 times. We set the maximum number of iterations of the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural network during training to 500, using the non-linear activation function ReLU.

Dropout layers were initially tested but removed due to limited improvement in validation loss, suggesting that the dataset size and regularization parameters were sufficient to prevent overfitting.

The loss function uses the mean square error (MSE) as the loss function, and obtains the lowest MSE by iterating 1000 times, determining the optimal solution of the best number of hidden layer nodes, regularization parameters and learning rate.

In the training process, the initial weight and bias after GA optimization are used as the initial state of the BP neural network. We implement the backpropagation algorithm to further minimize error by adjusting the weight and bias. We use Adam to update the weights. In order to prevent overfitting, the loss of the validation set is monitored, and the training is stopped in advance when the loss no longer decreases.

The dataset is divided into a training set, a validation set, and a test set (80% training, 20% testing).

The model performance is evaluated on the test set using the R2 (coefficient of determination) and MAE (average absolute error) indicators to evaluate the model’s effect.

The importance evaluation of the global weight associated with extreme weather and circuit faults based on the GA-BP neural network is calculated as follows:

After the training is completed, the contribution of each input feature to the output (count of failures) is calculated, and the importance of each weather indicator is assessed by analyzing the post-training weights.

The contributions of each layer are aggregated, quantifying the relative importance of each input feature.

h j = f ( i = 1 9 w i j ( 1 ) a i + b j ( 1 ) )

Z = f ( j = 1 7 w j ( 2 ) h j + b ( 2 ) )

We assume that the 9 nodes in the input layer are X = [x1, x2, x3…, x9], and the hidden layer, they are H = [h1, h2, h3…, hi]. The weight matrix from the input layer to hidden layer is W ( 1 ) , where w ij ( 1 ) represents the weight from input node h j to hidden layer node.

f ( ) is the activation function, and b j ( 1 ) is the bias of the hidden layer node h j . The output layer node is Z , and the weight matrix from the hidden layer to the output layer is W ( 2 ) , where w j ( 2 ) represents the weight from the hidden layer node to the output layer node Z . b ( 2 ) indicates the offset of the output layer node.

Specifically, the contribution of each input feature to the output can be calculated using the following steps.

C j = w j ( 2 ) h j

Cj is the contribution of hidden node h j to the output.

C i j = w i j ( 1 ) x i

Cij is the contribution of input feature a i to hidden node h j .

C i = j = 1 7 C i j w j ( 2 )

Ci is the total contribution of the input feature a i to the output Z.

To compare the contributions of individual input features, we can normalize each Ci so that all Ci sum to 1:

u i = C i i = 1 9 C i

The closer μ is to 0, the less risky the event is, and the closer μ is to 1, the more risky the event is. Using this function as a method to calculate the confidence can effectively express the confidence of these kinds of factors.

Through the above steps, the relative importance of each weather index to transmission line faults can be quantified, and the global weight of each input feature can be reflected, which can provide a basis for further decision analysis.

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Jialu Li www.mdpi.com