1. Introduction
In this work, we introduce a novel method to collect field data dynamically while the electric vehicle is in motion under real-world running conditions. Instead of relying on predefined or long-term conditions, our approach ensures that data are gathered in real time during actual vehicle operation. We then apply a novel set of conditions to this dynamic field data to ensure that sufficient and relevant data segments are selected for estimating ECM parameters. In the first step, we removed the noise from filed data and then applied first- and second-order derivatives to determine the specific data set conditions. The data set was then collected using a zero-crossing method. Finally, the ECM parameters were estimated using the PSO algorithm. The current approach provides a more realistic representation of vehicle operation and enhances the accuracy of ECM parameter estimation.
2. Fundamentals of PSO Algorithm
Equation (1) shows how a certain velocity will gradually become closer to Gbest and how to calculate Pbest. Equation (2) illustrates how to update the current position. where represents the current position of the particle, shows the updated particle position, refers to the current velocity, and indicates the updated velocity. Pbest is the best solution for the current particle, whereas Gbest is the best solution for all particles. w represents the weight of inertia, and the rand is set to produce random numbers between 0 and 1, with and indicating positive constants.
The selection of these parameters plays a crucial role in determining the algorithm’s performance. Fine-tuning the parameters often leads to the best performance for a specific problem. Generally, the inertia weight (w) typically decreases from 0.9 to 0.4 to transition from a global to local search. The cognitive (c1) and social (c2) coefficients, usually set to 2, control individual and group learning. Swarm size (20–100 particles) and velocity limits are adjusted based on the problem, while stopping criteria like iteration limits or convergence thresholds ensure efficiency. The fine-tuning of the parameters can also be performed through trial-and-error methods. The PSO algorithm’s ability to find an optimal or near-optimal solution over time is known as convergence analysis. The convergence analysis depends on the balance between exploration (high inertia, and large swarm) and exploitation (low inertia, and high cognitive/social coefficients). Careful tuning avoids premature convergence and ensures efficient search.
3. ECM for Lithium-Ion Batteries
The main parameters of the ECM, such as ohmic resistance (Rs), polarization resistance (Rp), and polarization capacitance (Cp), have distinct physical significance. Rs accounts for the resistance of the battery’s internal components, such as the electrolyte, current collectors, and internal connections, and increases with temperature and battery aging. Rp shows the internal leakage current due to side reactions in the battery, and it often decreases with SoC and deteriorates with battery aging. Cp represents the ability of the battery to store charge at a given voltage and shows electrochemical behavior at the battery’s electrodes. The Cp varies with SoC (increases with higher SoC), temperature, and the specific battery chemistry. Overall, these parameters detect the degradation of the battery, such as reduced capacity and efficiency under different charge/discharge conditions.
First and Second-Order RC Circuit
where .
4. Proposed Methodology for Collecting Data
4.1. Experimental Data
4.2. Proposed Methodology for Retrieving Field Data
5. Results and Validation
5.1. Simulation
where , and indicates the measured ECM voltage.
where y = Voltage, x = time.
5.2. Results for Field Data
where , OCV is the open circuit voltage, and Rs is the ohmic resistance.
6. Discussion
The proposed method has significant potential for the accurate and reliable parameter estimation of ECMs. Particularly, it is valuable for real-time battery management systems BMS in EVs, where accurate estimation of battery states, such as SoC and SoH, are critical for ensuring safety, optimizing performance, and extending battery life. Furthermore, the PSO algorithm enhances the precision of ECMs, even under running battery conditions. This makes the method applicable not only to conventional EV batteries but also to other advanced energy storage systems, such as hybrid electric vehicles and stationary energy storage units. Additionally, the flexibility of the proposed approach allows it to adapt to various battery systems and charging/discharging strategies, which will further expand its practical utility. A key strength of our work lies in the validation of the retrieved and estimated parameters through comprehensive curve fitting against real-world field data. This demonstrates the theoretical performance and practical applicability of the proposed. By addressing key challenges in battery modeling, this study provides a foundation for improving the efficiency and reliability of next-generation energy management systems.
Despite the promising outcomes, the proposed data retrieval method has some sensitive factors and limitations. Primarily, the noise filtering process, zero-crossing threshold, data selection conditions, and the parameters of the PSO algorithm are sensitive factors for this study. These factors require careful tuning and consideration, as improper settings can significantly degrade performance and lead to inaccurate results. For example, the noise removal process depends on the window size of the moving-average filter; a larger window size makes data oversmooth, and a smaller window may fail to reduce noise. Similarly, the improper zero-crossing threshold selection can lead to either missed crossings or the inclusion of irrelevant ones. The data selection conditions are also critical because the minimum number of points or time intervals may exclude useful data, while lenient conditions might allow noisy or irrelevant data to affect parameter estimation. Additionally, as we discussed earlier, the PSO algorithm used for parameter estimation inherently introduces approximation-based error, which is the main limitation of this method. In our work, this error is around 2% which might be further reduced by improving the optimization algorithm using a hybrid algorithm method or including additional factors, such as temperature and battery aging. Future work aims to address these issues to allow for a more accurate representation of real-world operating conditions and provide a more environmentally adaptive framework.
7. Conclusions
This paper proposes an efficient method to estimate the ECM parameters (Rp and Cp) from the field data (voltage, current, and time). Firstly, the noise from field data was removed using a moving average filter. After that first- and second-order derivations are applied to the filtered data to determine a specific data set of conditions and then introduce a novel zero-crossing technique for retrieving meaningful data segments. The selected field data were then analyzed using a second-order RC model. Finally, a PSO algorithm has been adapted to estimate the parameters of the SORC. It was concluded that the error between simulation and real voltage is less than 2% (calculated above 100 points), which signifies that the PSO is a better parameter identification approach than others. However, this error can be further reduced by improving the filtering method and optimization algorithm by using the hybrid algorithm. Furthermore, including temperature and battery aging in the modeling process can enhance the reliability and applicability of the proposed method. Looking ahead, we plan to focus on the hybrid approach and incorporate temperature and battery aging factors into our model to further enhance its accuracy. These additions will allow the ECM parameters to accurately estimate the state of the battery for long-term battery performance and environmental influences, making it more applicable for real-world applications.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization, S.A.S.; methodology, S.A.S.; software, S.A.S. and S.I.; validation, S.I. and J.P.; formal analysis, S.A.S. and S.H.; investigation, S.H. and W.Y.K.; resources, S.H. and J.P.; data curation, S.A.S. and S.H.; writing—original draft preparation, S.A.S. and J.P.; writing—review and editing, S.I., S.H. and W.Y.K.; visualization, S.A.S.; supervision, S.H. and W.Y.K.; project administration, S.H. and W.Y.K.; funding acquisition, W.Y.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This research was supported by the “Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS)” through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE) (2023-RIS009).
Institutional Review Board Statement
Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement
Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement
Data are contained within the article.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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Fundamental concept of PSO.
Figure 1.
Fundamental concept of PSO.
(a) ECM with FORC and (b) ECM with FORC and SORC.
Figure 2.
(a) ECM with FORC and (b) ECM with FORC and SORC.
Comparison of the output from the FORC and SORC models.
Figure 3.
Comparison of the output from the FORC and SORC models.
Battery tester setup (BT).
Figure 4.
Battery tester setup (BT).
(a) Field data; (b) field data with moving_avg function; (c) field data after noise is removed.
Figure 5.
(a) Field data; (b) field data with moving_avg function; (c) field data after noise is removed.
Matlab code for the function of moving average filter.
Figure 6.
Matlab code for the function of moving average filter.
(a) shows the derivative of the current with respect to time, (b) represents the voltage field data as a function of time, with the red dots indicating the zero-crossing points, and (c) shows that the colored part is the selected field data.
Figure 7.
(a) shows the derivative of the current with respect to time, (b) represents the voltage field data as a function of time, with the red dots indicating the zero-crossing points, and (c) shows that the colored part is the selected field data.
(a) Retrieved field data; (b) retrieved field data after filtering.
Figure 8.
(a) Retrieved field data; (b) retrieved field data after filtering.
Methodology for retrieving field data and estimating ECM parameters.
Figure 9.
Methodology for retrieving field data and estimating ECM parameters.
PSO flow chart.
Figure 10.
PSO flow chart.
Voltage with OCV impact.
Figure 11.
Voltage with OCV impact.
(a) Charge pulse; (b) discharge pulse.
Figure 12.
(a) Charge pulse; (b) discharge pulse.
(a) Comparison of real data and simulation data without OCV impact for charge pulse. (b) Comparison of real data and simulation data without OCV impact for discharge pulse.
Figure 13.
(a) Comparison of real data and simulation data without OCV impact for charge pulse. (b) Comparison of real data and simulation data without OCV impact for discharge pulse.
(a) Comparison of real voltage and terminal voltage. (b) Comparison of filtered real voltage and filtered terminal voltage.
Figure 14.
(a) Comparison of real voltage and terminal voltage. (b) Comparison of filtered real voltage and filtered terminal voltage.
Table 1.
Experimental procedure.
Table 1.
Experimental procedure.
ID | Status | Time (hh:mm:ss:ms) | Cycle | Voltage (V) | Current (A) |
1 | CCCV_Chg | 4.200 | 1.05 | ||
2 | Rest | 00:10:00:00 | |||
3 | CCCV_DChg | 2.500 | 1.05 | ||
4 | Rest | 00:10:00:00 | |||
5 | Cycle | Begin ID: 1 | Times: 3 | ||
6 | CC_Chg | 00:12:00:00 | 4.200 | 1.05 | |
7 | Rest | 00:10:00:00 | |||
8 | Cycle | Begin ID: 6 | Times: 10 | ||
9 | CC_Dchg | 00:12:00:00 | 2.500 | 1.05 | |
10 | Rest | 00:10:00:00 | |||
11 | Cycle | Begin ID: 9 | Times: 10 |
Table 2.
Parameters for PSO algorithm.
Table 2.
Parameters for PSO algorithm.
Parameters | Value |
0.690 | |
1.623 | |
1.623 | |
No. of Particles | 50 |
Maximum No. of Iteration | 250 |
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