How Solar-Powered Wheelchairs Are Changing Lives and Saving the Planet

solar-powered wheelchairs improve mobility

Electric vehicles of all types still require power, which usually comes from fossil fuels. Oil, coal and natural gas continue to produce most of the electricity used to charge these forms of transportation. However, technology promises needed change and delivers in sometimes unexpected ways. Here’s how solar-powered wheelchairs are changing lives and the planet. 

Climate Change and Disability 

Although it may not appear so on the surface, climate change and disability share a link. Shifting weather patterns affect human biology and can make the symptoms of countless disorders worse as the body struggles to adapt to new conditions in the midst of an existing internal war.

Those with autoimmune diseases are particularly susceptible and these disorders don’t wait for old age. For example, most cases of rheumatoid arthritis appear between 30 and 50, in the height of an individual’s productive working years. When symptoms grow disabling, they can disrupt someone’s financial prospects for a lifetime.

Society isn’t quick enough to respond to such changes to ease human suffering. Many mistakenly believe disability help is available for everyone, but this statement isn’t quite reflective of reality. To receive aid, individuals must first prove they are incapable of substantial gainful activity — and the definition of what that entails varies by the interpreter. 

For example, someone with a cardiovascular condition who relies on public transportation to get to and from work might not have a problem waiting at the bus stop in temperate weather. Extreme heat might limit their ability to do so — but convincing a judge this behavior risks their life and no meaningful alternatives exist is a challenge, especially for those who cannot afford legal representation.

Solar-powered wheelchairs could assist in these scenarios. Their utility extends beyond providing individuals with necessary mobility assistance. Models featuring built-in cooling via fans or mists could mitigate some of the impact of extreme heat on their users. 

SOME OF THE Problems Solved by Solar-Powered Wheelchairs

The most obvious advantage of solar-powered wheelchairs is they are another way to help end human reliance on fossil fuels. However, that’s far from the only benefit. 

Solar power’s huge advantage beyond environmental sustainability is its availability — it can be harnessed anywhere with the correct equipment, grid access or no grid access. This means individuals who fully rely on their mobility devices to get around have greater reassurance they won’t run out of juice, especially during power outages.

Solar-powered wheelchairs are also quiet and easy to operate, meaning they won’t cause disruptions in public places. Although they can have a higher upfront cost than traditional electric wheelchairs, they are less expensive to operate over the long run and seldom need repairs, thanks to their inherent simplicity. 

These devices may even usher in other necessary sustainability changes — or at least contribute to the pressure for their adoption. For example, in order for solar-powered wheelchair users to harness the ultimate power from their devices, they need eco-friendly pedestrian pathways to move from point A to point B.

Where You Can Find a Solar-Powered Wheelchair — and Help Affording One

Buying a solar-powered wheelchair may entail a significant upfront cost. However, you may qualify for financial assistance.

Your first line of contact should include your existing doctor and insurance company. For example, both Medicare and Medicaid may cover all or part of the cost of a wheelchair, and you can discuss a solar-powered option with your providers. Another option is your ABLE savings account, if you have one.

You might also look into options from certain government programs or nonprofit organizations.

Consider a Solar-Powered Wheelchair

Solar-powered wheelchairs benefit individual users and the planet. They ensure those who need mobility assistance have a steady supply of power to run their devices while creating no emissions. If you could benefit from this innovation, look into programs that can help you improve your mobility while decreasing your environmental footprint.

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Mia Barnes