J. Compos. Sci., Vol. 9, Pages 149: Spirally Confined Reinforcing Bar for Flexural Behavior of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Beam

J. Compos. Sci., Vol. 9, Pages 149: Spirally Confined Reinforcing Bar for Flexural Behavior of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Beam

Journal of Composites Science doi: 10.3390/jcs9040149

Nuria S. Mohammed
Ashraf A. M. Fadiel
Ahmad Baharuddin Abdul Rahman
Esam Abu Baker Ali
Taher Abu-Lebdeh
Antreas Kantaros
Florian Ion Tiberiu Petrescu

This paper presents experimental results on the influence of the spiral anchor system on the flexural behavior of concrete beams reinforced with glass fiber-reinforced plastic (GFRP) bars. The experimental program consisted of eight beams with the spiral anchor system and two control fiber-reinforced concrete beams without any spiral anchor system. All specimens were tested under bending load. Rough and smooth surface textures of GFRP bars were considered. The test parameters were the diameter of spiral anchor and the condition of the GFRP reinforcement bars as either bonded or unbonded to the surrounding grout. The experimental results indicate that beams reinforced with a rough GFRP bar with an anchor system under flexural load had higher ultimate flexural strength, first crack strength, and stiffness as compared to the beams without an end anchor system. The success of the anchor system is attributed to the confining effect of the steel spiral in anchoring the reinforcement ends. This confining effect enhances the anchorage capacity of the anchor system and subsequently improves the overall flexural performance of the reinforced concrete beams.

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Nuria S. Mohammed www.mdpi.com