2: Input: Input the set of task
3: Output: Output task scheduling policies
4: Initialize
5: Initialize LLM heuristic Q buffer
6: For each episode S, perform
7: Training phase of LLM_SARSA
8: For every task in training task set perform
9: Initialize state S, Action A
10: Choose Action A from state S using the policy derived from
11: For each step of episode, perform
12: Take action A, observe reward R, and go to next step
13: Choose action from state using the policy derived from
12: Update ,
12: Compute the LLM heuristic value
13: Update the with LLM
15: Employ L2 loss to approximate the value
16: L2(
18: End For of episode until S is terminal
19: End For
20: Testing phase of LLM_SARSA
21: For every task in testing task set perform
22: Initialize state S, Action A
23: Choose Action A from state S using the policy derived from
24: For each step of episode, perform
25: Execute the action from state with updated heuristic value and L2 loss value
27: End For of episode until S is terminal
28: End For
29: End For
30: Output
34: Stop
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Bhargavi Krishnamurthy www.mdpi.com