Plants, Vol. 14, Pages 965: Multi-Omics Analysis Provides Insights into a Mosaic-Leaf Phenotype of Astaxanthin-Producing Tobacco

Plants, Vol. 14, Pages 965: Multi-Omics Analysis Provides Insights into a Mosaic-Leaf Phenotype of Astaxanthin-Producing Tobacco

Plants doi: 10.3390/plants14060965

Jialin Wang
Zaifeng Du
Xiaoyang Lin
Peng Li
Shihao Sun
Changqing Yang
Yong Chen
Zhongfeng Zhang
Xue Yin
Ning Fang

In metabolically engineered plants, the target products are usually uniformly distributed in the whole plant or specific tissues. When engineering tobacco to produce astaxanthin, a ketocarotenoid with strong antioxidant activity and multiple bioactivities, a scattered distribution of astaxanthin-producing regions was observed in a small portion of astaxanthin-producing tobacco plants, which caused mosaic-like red and green spots on the leaves (ASTA-mosaic). A physiological assay showed that the non-astaxanthin green region (Mosaic_G) had relatively higher chlorophyll content and better chloroplast structure than the astaxanthin-producing red region (Mosaic_R). Then, metabolomics, proteomics, and small RNA transcriptomics were employed to analyze the uneven distribution of astaxanthin-producing regions in tobacco leaves. The results of metabolomics and proteomics revealed a decrease in carotenoid metabolism, chlorophyll biosynthesis, and chlorophyll degradation in the Mosaic_G region. Pheophorbide a, an intermediate of chlorophyll degradation, was found to be significantly reduced in the Mosaic_G region, which was accompanied by the attenuation of chlorophyllase and pheophytinase, which catalyze the formation of pheophorbide a in chlorophyll degradation. Reductions in photosynthetic antenna proteins and photosystem-associated proteins were observed in the Mosaic_R region, consistent with the better chloroplast structure of the Mosaic_G region. Small RNA transcriptomics showed that several small RNAs could target chlorophyll-degradative genes, but they were more effective in targeting the astaxanthin biosynthetic genes. This finding was supported by the fact that the Mosaic_G region can remain green up to the senescence of tobacco leaves. This work provides insights into the mechanism of the uneven distribution of astaxanthin-producing regions in tobacco leaves and may contribute to the specialized utilization of tobacco plants for metabolic engineering.

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Jialin Wang