Strategies for Workplace EV Charging Management

This study identifies the design conditions for the charging infrastructure at the parking lot in two ways:

The first scenario assumes that there is always a CP available for each vehicle arriving at the parking lot, resulting in a surplus of CPs. In this case, a smart charging system only needs to manage the power distribution among CPs to meet the network’s needs.

In contrast, the second scenario involves a limited number of CPs, which is fewer than the number of vehicles in the parking lot. Here, it is necessary to manage a queue for charging requests. When multiple vehicles arrive in a short period, it becomes important to handle the movement of vehicles between charging stalls and parking spaces. To meet the charging demand effectively, the queue management must be “smart.” This means it should consider the expected parking durations and the amount of energy each vehicle requires. The goal is to ensure that no vehicle leaves without charging while fully charged vehicles remain connected to the CPs in the parking lot.

3.2.1. Surplus of CPs

In this scenario, the availability of CP exceeds the demand, meaning it does not restrict the formulation of the charging problem. However, a constraint in the provision of the service arises from the overall power limit that the charging system can provide.

To verify the maximum charge requirements, we evaluate the power supplied to the load on the most critical day. On this day, the 28 vehicles in the parking lot collectively need a total of 325 kWh for charging. We consider two different charging power levels for the CPs: 3 kW and 6 kW.

Figure 15 displays the distribution of power required for EV charging, indicated by the green line. We assume that each charging session begins as soon as the EV parks, with the connection time to the charging point considered negligible. Under these conditions, the maximum peak power is just under 70 kW, occurring around 9:30 AM, and drops to zero by 4:00 PM. Charging usually ends around 8:00 PM, which is before the last vehicle departure. The time interval between the end of charging sessions and the departures becomes longer when the charging power level increases. For example, when CP charging power is 6 kW, charging usually ends around 1:00 PM, reaching a maximum request of 100 kW. For each BV, we define “residual time” as the interval between the end of the charging session and the vehicle’s departure, see Figure 16. On average, this residual time is approximately two-thirds of the total stop time when charging at 3 kW, and it increases with higher charging rates.

Since the average residual time is not zero, we can evaluate a charging strategy that establishes a time interval between the vehicle’s arrival at the parking lot and the start of charging. To assess the impact of this procedure on the power profile, we introduced the following delays:


The vehicle waits for a time equal to half of its residual time.


The vehicle waits for a time equal to its full residual time.

Under the first condition, the residual time is halved compared to the scenario without waiting. In the second case, the residual time becomes zero. This temporal shift results in slight changes to the maximum power demand. The highest power request occurs in case (a), due to an increased number of overlapping charging events.

For high-power CPs, while the charging load trends remain similar, we observe a higher peak in committed power with a shorter withdrawal time, due to reduced charging duration for each vehicle.

Figure 17 shows the power trends for a typical week (February 4–10) for the two different charging power options (blue curve: half residual time delay; red curve: full residual time delay; green curve: no delay). Comparing the two graphs in Figure 17, it is evident that doubling the charging power results in a 50% increase in the maximum power delivered, for instance, rising from 63 kW to 96 kW.

The temporal analysis of charging requests indicates that the maximum number of active CPs at any given time is lower than the number of vehicles present. For example, in a no-delay scenario, out of 27 vehicles parked simultaneously, only 22 CPs are active when using 3 kW CPs, and only 16 are active with 6 kW CPs.

While both CP configurations are sufficient to meet the charging needs of the EV fleet in all three delayed charging approaches, ensuring that no vehicle leaves the parking lot without being charged, the 6 kW option increases the maximum peak power demand by up to 40% compared to the 3 kW case.

We now introduce some charging strategies to contain the power peak. The charge control system is represented by the scheme identified in Figure 18. The master receives the end-of-parking information from the user and the initial SOC from the vehicle. Based on these inputs, the master programs the charging start time by closing the power circuit and opening it at the end of charging.
Figure 19 illustrates a workflow for managing vehicle charging based on parking time, with a delay equal to the “residual time”. P r is the maximum power level at the CP.

The duration of the charging session is influenced by the vehicle’s technical specifications and the power level of the charger. If the dwell time is equal to or shorter than the necessary charging time, charging will commence immediately. However, if the parking duration exceeds the required charging time, charging will begin at a later moment T i . The goal for the final SOC is 100%, although it could not be fulfilled in some situations.

T r = charging time.

T f = end-of-parking time.

T i = start charging time.

T r = residual time.

Another goal of charging management is to improve the performance of the parking charging system by reducing power peaks.

One way to contain power peaks is to reduce the charging power of the vehicles to maximize the number of active CPs with the same total power delivered. Let us consider the following two different configurations for the CPs that aim to halve the total power, illustrated in Figure 20:

All the engaged CPs are powered, but with a power equal to half the nominal power of the CP.


The CPs are grouped in groups of two and are powered alternately at the nominal power of the CP.

Approach (b), which involves grouping the CPs, allows the same charging power to be applied to two vehicles but at different times. The result is a halved overall power due to the limitation of access to charging.

The CPs are virtually connected by the master, allowing for greater flexibility in managing activations and deactivations, even if they are located in distant stalls (as illustrated in Figure 4).
Simulations were conducted to the power distribution over time under two different charging management approaches. Figure 21 summarizes the results for a typical day (22 April). We assume there are 28 CPs, corresponding to the number of parked vehicles.

The graph on the right illustrates mode (a), where power is distributed across all 28 CPs. In contrast, the graph on the left represents mode (b), where a maximum of 14 CPs can be activated simultaneously. Additionally, the figure shows the power trend when vehicles are charged at 3 kW (green line), with charging beginning upon arrival, following the FIFO (first-in-first-out) logic.

In Approach (a), which limits the charging power at the CPs, the maximum peak demand is reduced to 40 kW (as shown in the top panel of Figure 21). The load power curve increases at a slower rate compared to the case of uncontrolled charging (green line). Reducing the maximum requested power results in extended charging times, postponing the end of operations to 8:00 PM. Reducing the maximum power available for charging to 1.5 kW prevents the full charging needs of electric vehicles. For the day under investigation, for example, five cars leave the parking lot before their batteries are fully charged, resulting in a total of 8.2 kWh (about 2.5% of the total energy demand) not being supplied. To address this issue, full-power charging could be provided when only one vehicle is connected to every two charging points.
Charge management according to Approach (b), as illustrated in the graph on the bottom of Figure 21, requires the knowledge of each stop duration. This allows prioritizing the vehicle with the shortest residual time among those connected to the CPs. Having more information enables us to manage power usage effectively and plan charging schedules. Initially, the power curve aligns with that of uncontrolled charging (green curve). Around 9:00 AM, the power reaches the limit of 42 kW. From this point onward, charging is managed to ensure that this power limit is not exceeded; some vehicles complete their charging while others begin, maintaining a constant total power usage. As a result, some vehicles are connected to the CPs but are not actively charging. The power supplied remains constant until 2:00 PM, after which it begins to decrease and reaches zero by 6:00 PM.

The maximum power drops from 70 kW of the uncontrolled charging to 42 kW. The overall charging time is extended by two hours due to the staggered charging start times for some vehicles in the management method. However, the service capacity—meaning the ability to meet the energy demand for charging—remains unchanged; the total energy supplied, represented by the area under the red curve, is equal to that under the green curve and totals 325 kWh.

The previous evaluations were conducted under the assumption that the exit time of the vehicles was known. When there is uncertainty about the parking duration, we can implement a round-robin charging approach, where the charging alternates between the two vehicles at regular intervals.

The results of simulations carried out with charging powers of 3 kW, 2.5 kW, and 2 kW, with time intervals of 30 min for the charging alternation, are presented below. We will compare the findings from this round-robin charging method with those from Approach (b).

Table 5 summarizes the results, with the first column identifying the virtual CP pairs, the second column listing the identifiers of the vehicles being charged, and the remaining six columns showing the energy not supplied relative to the total charging needs for both charging methods at various maximum power levels.

Tests conducted using Approach (b) charging consistently yield the best results due to the prior knowledge of the end-of-stay time. For 3 kW CP, the results are also excellent for round-robin charging; in fact, there is only one instance in which not all requested energy is supplied, with the shortfall being less than 1% of the total request and 17% for the specific vehicle involved.

As the maximum charging power decreases, the percentage of unsupplied energy for Approach (b) rises to 4.5% for 2.5 kW and 17.1% for 2 kW. The round-robin charging method results in an additional decrease of about 2% in both cases, with 6.2% and 19.4% of unsupplied energy, respectively.

Round-robin charging exhibits slightly lower performance levels compared to Approach (b). However, when examining the share of energy not delivered to each vehicle, it becomes evident that round-robin charging distributes the shortfall more evenly between the two vehicles in the same charging pair. In contrast, Approach (b) tends to penalize only one of the two vehicles. The details of the charging time sequence for the case with 14 3-kW CPs are illustrated in Figure 22, with Approach (b) shown in the left panel and round-robin charging in the right panel.
In Figure 22, the vehicle’s idle periods are highlighted in yellow. Each of the other 14 colors represents the specific CP when it is active on a vehicle. Despite the different charge strategies, the delivered energy profiles are nearly identical, as illustrated by the red curve in Figure 23, which shows consecutive recharge on the left and round-robin recharge on the right.

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Natascia Andrenacci