Sustainability, Vol. 17, Pages 2834: Exploring the Determinants of the Sustainable Use of Artificial Intelligence in Peruvian University Teachers: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis
Sustainability doi: 10.3390/su17072834
Benicio Gonzalo Acosta-Enriquez
Moises David Reyes-Perez
Olger Huamani Jordan
Leticia Carreño Saucedo
Jesús Emilio Agustín Padilla-Caballero
Antony Esmit Franco Fernández-Altamirano
Abraham José García Yovera
Roxita Nohely Briceño-Hernandez
Johannes Michael Alarcón Bustíos
This study examines the determinants of the sustainable use of artificial intelligence (AI) among university professors in Peru. This research adopted a quantitative approach through a cross-sectional empirical–explanatory study, employing a structural equation model. Data were collected from 368 professors from eight Peruvian universities using a structured questionnaire that assessed six main constructs: attitude toward AI, prejudice against AI, facilitating conditions, use of AI, teaching concerns, and ethical perception. While the results reveal significant correlational relationships—with attitude toward AI, facilitating conditions, and prejudice against AI showing a significant association with its sustainable use, and the use of AI showing a significant relationship with professors’ ethical perceptions—the cross-sectional nature of this study precludes causal inferences. No significant relationship was found between the use of AI and teaching concerns. Additionally, demographic variables such as gender and age did not exhibit significant moderating effects. These findings contribute to understanding the factors related to the sustainable adoption of AI in higher education and provide valuable insights for the development of effective institutional strategies in the Latin American context.
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Benicio Gonzalo Acosta-Enriquez